
My paintings trace the boundaries of my imagination. Patterned with gestural lines inspired by the abstract expressionists, each piece is a collection of choices that together are alive. My work breathes like a cobweb in the wind - faint, delicate and ephemeral. 

No matter the material or discipline, my work is rooted in drawing. This process - drawing, examining, finding a flaw, and making changes - is the heart of my creative practice.

Throughout my life I have floundered with language. Art provided me with a visual vocabulary in which I no longer felt restricted. Drawing unbound my voice.

With each line and every stroke, I document my existence. Layers of paper, paint, dust, and glitter are the scars left behind as I strive to express what language denied me. Each painting is a stolen moment of peace and beauty amid the never-ending battle between my dreams and desires, my regrets and pain. My work is a love letter to the girl I was, and to everyone who yearns to express what cannot be said with words. Each piece is an imperfect sonnet to the power of imagination and joy of expression.